Challenge your stamina and strength with this 30-minute bodyweight HIIT workout that will fire up your legs. The best part: this is a no-repeat class! That means once you finish a move, you won't have to do it again. Led by fitness trainer Natalie White, you'll amp up the moves as the routine goes on, to give your body and mind a chance to really get into it! You'll be sweating while you get that coveted shaky-legs feeling by the end of the class, and our class members are here to provide plenty of advancements and modifications. Check out new workouts every week on the PS Fit YouTube channel. Name: Natalie White
Outfit: Vuori
Shoes: On
Instagram: Name: Tiffany Marie
Outfit: Old Navy
Shoes: APL
Instagram: Name: Fatima Karalova
Top: Old Navy
Leggings: Beyond Yoga
Shoes: On
Instagram: PS Fit offers fresh fitness tutorials and exercises — find strengthening, heart-pumping, empowering, and downright feel-good workouts you can do at home or on the go. Whether you're looking for full-body routines or moves focused on arms, glutes, or core, we've got you covered. Short on time? Find 10-, 15-, or 30-minute workouts ranging from beginner to advanced in bodyweight cardio, dance, Tabata, Pilates, barre, and everything in between. And don't miss our do-it-along-with-us workout shows, and sweat alongside fitness experts and trainers. Subscribe to PS Fit! Check out our Instagram Find us on TikTok
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