MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR) could be facing a multibillion-dollar tax bill after a recent disclosure revealed that the company's $47 billion Bitcoin holdings include $18 billion in unrealized gains. Under the corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT), introduced in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, MicroStrategy may be taxed 15% on those gains starting in 2026. 1.🇺🇸 Politician Trade Tracker: https://go.learnplanprofit.com/opt-in-page 2.✅ ($200 OFF SALE) Join LPP Daily Live Trading: https://learn-plan-profit.teachable.com/p/learn-plan-profit-2-0?coupon_code=200OFFNOW 3. 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rickygutierrezz/ 4. My Trading Setup: https://shoptechbuds.com/ 5.📊 Earn 40 FREE shares (WEBULL): https://a.webull.com/i/RickyGutierrezYouTube #microstrategynews #michaelsaylorbitcoin #trumpmemecoin #bitcoinnews Thank you for the support, the best way to reach out to me is through our private discord chat, please DM me. DISCLAIMER: Please note that i do not ask for any information. I always encourage our members to trade ONLY what you understand and never based on anyone's opinion. My videos are for entertainment purposes only.any questions to message me as i would love to be a part of your success.
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