How Social Media Can Save The World


How Social Media Can Save The World

👉🏼Find out more about how you can save the reef here: 👉🏼Karmagawa: 👉🏼Savethereef Insta: 👉🏼50 minutes to save the world: Some people love to rag on technology. And I get it … everything comes with pros and cons. But if used right, I think it has the power to save the planet. There’s a ray of hope for your future, for our future. Let’s all make the world better today — here’s how… 🔴See if you have what it takes to join Tim's Challenge here: Share this video with a fellow Trader: Subscribe to my FREE weekly stock watchlist here: ✅ Recommended video: ✅ Recommended playlists: Day Trading 101: Starter Videos: Advanced Day Trading Tips: My Millionaire Students – Are You Next?: Trading with the Tims: ✅ Follow Tim Sykes and his trading travels: Instagram:
I’m here with my friend Amir, and we're working on a little project for Save the Reef. And guess what? It involves technology… I hate it when people say that technology is bad. But I think technology can save us. The entire world is losing itself. Social media is a ray of hope. I know, there’s a dark side to social media. But if you utilize it the right way, it can change your entire life. So I try to spread the gospel of technology. It's changed my life, and it's changed the lives of so many of my students. So how can you get more out of social media? Here’s just one example: you can use Instagram to see so many beautiful things from around the world. You can use that for inspiration. You can see nearly the entire world using social media. That’s a huge positive. Forget those naysayers who say that it's all bad. People these days love to say, "look up, live in the present." I get it, some people spend way too much time on their smartphones. But how about living in the future? If we only live in the present, we're dead in the future. Think about that. If we ignore all the warning signs of the planet around us, we won’t have a future at all. Of course there are people don’t put social media to its best use. There are people who just post for clicks and likes. There are plenty of trolls. I get it — there’s a bad side. But if you're positive about it, you can use it to LEARN and grow. It really can open up your life. And this technology may be our only hope of spreading good and positive messages out fast enough to actually save the planet. So utilize technology properly. Share videos that can change other people's opinions in a positive, meaningful way. Use it for education. Do it for the good of the planet. How do you think we all can better use technology and social media? Do you think we can use it to save the planet? Leave a comment below. 👇👇👇 #TimothySykes #Pennystocks #Investing —————————————————————————————————————-
Hey, it’s Tim Sykes, millionaire mentor and trader. Thank you for watching my videos. I hope that they help you. I want to share everything that I've learned over the years. You can check out more videos right over there, and also click ‘subscribe’ so that you can watch all of these videos, get that knowledge and become my next millionaire student.* —————————————————————————————————————-* Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here:

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